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Youtube - Embedding into Haiku


Brian asked me two write this ticket simply to document it and have the information/idea on record.

When Haiku is first opened embedded YouTube videos will show up as blank.

If the user clicks on the shield in the top right corner/in the right side of the address bar they may choose to "load unsafe script" and this will make all of their videos visible and usable.

It is worth typing the name of the video in the title so that a student who doesn't know this can put that information into YouTube for himself and see the video, complete the assignment... Even if the video isn't automatically visible the title still is.

I believe Brian solved this issue (basically we need to use the Youtube block for putting youtube videos up on haiku). If you still are having issues let me know.

Jacob Hilty
Computer Science Teacher
St. Edward High School

"The lurking suspicion that something could be simplified is the world’s richest source of rewarding challenges."- Edsger W. Djikstra

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Article ID: 7
Category: Haiku
Date added: 24-Apr-2014 12:21pm
Views: 240
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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